To maintain informed, members of Sadaka review a wide range of publications from Israel, from Palestine and from international sources. In this section of the website, we have brought together some of the most relevant documents and visual material from a wide range of sources, which we consider may be of use to those visiting our site. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but a selection of key reference material. These references have been organised in straight chronological order.
Annexation and the West Bank: An Unfolding Crisis
JULY 2024
Podcast by the Foundation for Middle East Peace.
Statement of Americans for Peace Now.
The Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel (“the Commission”), investigated attacks carried out on 7 October 2023 on several civilian targets in Israel, an attack on one military base, and rocket and mortar attacks. The Commission also investigated Israeli attacks on the Gaza strip up to 31 December 2023, with a focus on the siege, attacks on evacuating civilians and attacks on residential buildings and refugee camps.
By Tamar Megiddo, Ronit Levine-Schnur and Yael Berda.
In April 2021 as part of its Work Programme, the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence agreed to undertake a review of the situation in the occupied Palestinian territory in respect of displacements of people and demolitions of public and private buildings. The report includes a submission of evidence by Sadaka, the Ireland Palestine Alliance.
Ambassador Head of Mission of Palestine to Ireland, Dr Jilian Abdalmajid, Mr Éamonn Meehan, Sadaka Chair, Dr Susan Power, Head of Legal Research and Advocacy at Al-Haq and Professor Noura Erakat, Assistant Professor at Rutgers University present to the Committee.
Elections 2024
Developed by the Irish Anti-Apartheid Campaign for Palestine, this document outlines why Palestine is an election issue for the electorate, local and European candidates, citing six areas with corresponding demands of the Irish government.
Developed by the Irish Anti-Apartheid Campaign for Palestine, this is a printable flyer that outlines why Palestine is an election issue for the electorate, local and European candidates, citing six areas with corresponding demands of the Irish government.
In total, there are 166 electoral areas in Ireland. The number of councillors to be elected nationally is 949.
The Occupied Territories Bill (OTB), when enacted, will result in a complete ban on the import of goods and services produced in illegal settlements, including from Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The Bill is currently before the Irish Parliament, having successfully passed through the Seanad (Upper House of Parliament) and the initial stage in Dáil Éireann (Lower House).
Bill entitled an Act to impose certain prohibitions and restrictions with respect to the investment by the National Treasury Management Agency of the assets of the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund in undertakings which appear on the UN Database of companies operating in illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian land; to require the Agency to ensure that such assets are not invested in such an undertaking (and, where it becomes aware that an undertaking in which such assets have been so invested by it is, or has been on the said UN database, to divest the assets of that fund from such investment); and to provide for related matters.
Bill entitled an Act to provide for restrictions on the transit and export of weapons of war from and through the State to the state of Israel and to provide for appropriate inspections of planes seeking to transit weapons through the State, and to provide for related matters.
To stay up to date on the unfolding atrocities within the Gaza Strip and West Bank, consider the daily updates provided by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA), in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt).
CDVEC Curriculum Development Unit and Sadaka
A Citizenship Education Resource for Transition Year and Key Stage 4 based on Human Rights and International Law.
Relevant documents, databases and videos from other sources
The EU and Israel have adopted a ‘business as usual’ attitude throughout the ongoing genocide in Gaza, with the EU, and its member states, continuing to provide political cover and material support.
This thematic report documents concerns regarding Israel’s use of explosive weapons with wide area effects in densely populated areas during the escalation in hostilities in Gaza since 7 October 2023, and how this complies with international humanitarian law (IHL), particularly in relation to the principles of distinction, proportionality and precautions in attack. It details six individual incidents from 7 October to 2 December 2023 in the context of the ongoing escalation where Israel may have failed to adhere to these principles, leading to high civilian fatalities and injuries and destruction of civilian objects.
The Commission also found that Palestinian armed groups are responsible for war crimes committed in Israel.
The UN Human Rights Office is shocked by reports of an attack by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) this morning on an UNRWA school in An Nuseirat Camp 2, Middle Gaza, that reportedly left tens of civilians dead.
We welcome the decision of the Irish Government, announced today, to recognise the State of Palestine. We see this as affirmation by Ireland of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and sovereignty.
Watch the announcement of Taoiseach Simon Harris that said Ireland, Norway and Spain are announcing recognition of the state of Palestine.
Opinion of Professor Takis Tridimas on the compatibility of the Control of Economic Activity (Occupied Territories) Bill 2018 initiated in the Irish Senate (‘the Bill’) with European Union (‘EU’) law.
The Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy (PIPD) is a non-governmental independent organization advocating for the liberation of Palestine from all forms of settler colonialism and advancing Palestinian people’s diplomacy and a Palestinian-led movement.
By using the IPC classification and analytical approach, Governments, UN Agencies, NGOs, civil society and other relevant actors, work together to determine the severity and magnitude of acute and chronic food insecurity, and acute malnutrition situations in a country, according to internationally-recognised scientific standards.
Hostilities, including bombardment, ground operations and besiegement of the entire population have caused catastrophic levels of acute food insecurity across the Gaza Strip. Around 85 percent of the population (1.9 million people) is displaced and currently concentrated into an increasingly smaller geographic area.
On 29 December 2023, the Republic of South Africa instituted proceedings against the State of Israel before the Court concerning alleged violations by Israel of its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in relation to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and requested the ICJ to indicate provisional measures.
On 29 December 2023, the Republic of South Africa instituted proceedings against the State of Israel before the Court concerning alleged violations by Israel of its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in relation to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and requested the ICJ to indicate provisional measures.
The scale and severity of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is unprecedented.
After ten weeks of waging a brutal war in Gaza, Israeli leaders continue to insist that their military campaign will press ahead until Hamas has been eliminated.
Zionist Settler Colonialism and Apartheid as the Root Causes of Israel’s Ongoing Violations of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.
This factsheet explores the claim that Israel is committing apartheid against Palestinians. It looks at the main organizations which have accused Israel of apartheid, reviews the claims that Israel is a democracy, and provides a few examples of apartheid in Israel and in the occupied Palestinian territories.
GENEVA (12 October 2023) – UN independent experts* today unequivocally condemned targeted and deadly violence directed at civilians in Israel and violent and indiscriminate attacks against Palestinian civilians in Gaza and a further tightening of the unlawful blockade, which will have devastating impacts on the whole civilian population.
Al-Haq, Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, and the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights call on the UN Security Council to address root causes and protect the Palestinian people from Israeli attacks.
Adalah’s Discriminatory Laws Database (DLD) is an online resource produced by Adalah, a highly reliable Palestinian human rights organisation and legal centre. The database comprises a list of over 65 Israeli laws that discriminate directly or indirectly against Palestinian citizens in Israel and/or Palestinian residents of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) on the basis of their national belonging.
These laws limit the rights of Palestinians in all areas of life, from citizenship rights to the right to political participation, land and housing rights, education rights, cultural and language rights, religious rights, and due process rights during detention. Some of the laws also discriminate against other groups such as gays, non-religious Jews, and Palestinian refugees.
A hard-hitting analysis by John Reynolds, associate professor of international law at Maynooth University, and a member of Academics for Palestine, looking at the Irish Government’s cautious approach to using the term Apartheid in relation to Israeli policies and calling on the government to support the proposal to reestablish the UN Special Committee Against Apartheid.
A useful article with strong insights into the approach of the Biden administration to Israel and Palestine.
On 30 December 2022, the General Assembly of the UN adopted resolution A/RES/77/247 in which it requested the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to give an advisory opinion on the “Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.” Pursuant to ICJ procedure, only member states, Palestine as an observer state, and the UN may provide it with written submissions. The Commission has produced this position paper which reflects the legal views of the Commission on the questions presented to the ICJ.
A hard-hitting analysis by John Reynolds, associate professor of international law at Maynooth University, and a member of Academics for Palestine, looking at the Irish Government’s cautious approach to using the term Apartheid in relation to Israeli policies and calling on the government to support the proposal to reestablish the UN Special Committee Against Apartheid.
In this report, the Special Rapporteur, Francesca Albanese, addresses a number of human rights concerns, in particular regarding the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, in the context of the settler-colonial features of the prolonged Israeli occupation.
In this report, the Special Rapporteur, Prof. Michael Lynk, examines the current human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, with a particular emphasis on question of whether Israeli rule over the occupied Palestinian territory can now be called apartheid.
Israel’s intent to create and maintain a system of oppression and domination over Palestinians and examined its key components: territorial fragmentation; segregation and control; dispossession of land and property; and denial of economic and social rights. It has concluded that this system amounts to apartheid.