Sadaka relies substantially on donations to carry out its work. Expenses are kept to a minimum and most of the work is carried out by a small number of volunteers. Over the years, generous donors have supported our work through regular monthly or annual donations. We are most grateful for this support and welcome all new contributions, no matter how small.
Donations may be made by contacting us by e-mail or post at our registered address or by following the instructions below.
If you would like to support our work, please fill in the form below. Please provide your contact details, to ensure that we also include you on our mailing list for updates on our work.
Donate Directly
Donations may be made by completing the details below.
Donate via Bank Transfer
Donations can be made by Bank Transfer to the Bank Details below.
Please provide us your name and e-mail, so that we may send our thanks and update you on our work.
IBAN: IE87AIBK93113628544057
Allied Irish Bank
Capel Street
Dublin 1.
Sadaka – the Ireland Palestine Alliance
F56 WD96